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5 results available


  • Female manufacturing professional wearing a hardhat and coveralls reviews content on a laptop in a manufacturing environment

    Enterprise data strategy transformation

    Our client, a claims consolidator and benefit manager for several BlueCross BlueShield companies, needed to consolidate…

  • Outsourcing junior talent development

    Our client, a $114 billion global food and agriculture company, had a program within its global…

  • Photograph of young , mixed ethnicity male and female professionals working on laptops in a open office environment

    Deploying SAP & right-sizing with future leaders

    Our client, an international manufacturing conglomerate with operations in more than 65 countries, had two primary…

  • Building information security talent

    Our client, the second largest provider of money transfers in the world, had outsourced its command…

  • Contact center model improvements

    Our client needed to introduce a total benefit outsourcing (TBO) or “super agent” model in which…
